Mozilla Q&A: Redefines mobile browsing – again, dismisses competition – again

In a recent Q&A, Mozilla's John Lilly kindly shares som details on how Mozilla will finally redefine mobile Web browsing. Sound familiar? After their failed Minimo mobile browser project, they are now ready to rinse and repeat. But not without commenting on the competition, of course. Or the lack of it, if Mozilla is to…

Scientology protest in Oslo (Norway), March 15, 2008

While this blog is mainly about the Opera browser and related things, I've decided to write down a brief report on the event I attended today. On February 10 this year (the birthday of Lisa McPherson, alleged victim of the Church of Scientology), thousands of people across the world gathered to protest against the Church…

State of the Opera: Q4 2007

Today, Opera's financial results for the fourth quarter of 2007 were announced. For those of you who just want the bottom line, here it is: Opera financially healthy. It is profitable, with significant growth in all business areas, and continued (and even accelerated) growth is expected. The future is looking so bright the company might…